Adirondack Rocking Chairs

What modern designers have done to a classic Adirondack chair is just amazing: just a small change to the back, hand rest or seat brought this old time classics into the 21st century. But, making Adirondack chairs into rockers was pure genius. Designers combined perfect ergonomics of Adirondack chairs, an angle between the seat and back that is meant to perfectly support our back, with rocking, soothing motion of rocking chairs that lulls into unparallel relaxation. The result is probably the best outdoor seating ever. Adirondack rocking chairs are now classics into themselves and are seen all over the world, in all colors of the rainbow, made of anything from luxurious teak to humble wood and recycled polywood. They are at home in their native Adirondack Mountains, on the porch of some rustic forest cabin, and they look and feel equally perfect on the white stone terrace overlooking the Caribbean. If you are looking for chairs that will give you comfort and style at the same time, you cannot do better than Adirondack rocking chairs.