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We are all basically kids at heart and love to relive our favorite childhood memories. So, bringing a chair porch swing to your yard would be completely logical. But, your kids would probably not see it that way, and you might not get much chance to enjoy it. The kids will not accept that the swing chair is yours just because it is adult size and it has nice cushions and a seat pad for your aging tush. You might decide to get more than one and hang them together on some strong branch of that old oak in the back yard. That will bring back another childhood memory: trying to swing higher than anyone else, but definitely be careful. Just make sure to choose a really strong swing chair that can survive rains and strong sun without much problem. You can choose between wood, a wicker swing, wrought iron or even recycled plastic, but if you want really weather-resistant hanging chair, recycled plastic is probably your best bet. Don’t forget to get weather-resistant cushions as well, otherwise a sudden spring rain will turn them into a soggy mess.