Nothing lasts forever so even with the best care, wear and tear will make your glider bearing arm bracket rusty, weak or broken and should be replaced. Do not use your glider with damaged bearing arm bracket, for safety reasons. S2 Glider bearing arm brackets with stainless steel construction is available in packages of one and two, both standard dimensions of 8-1/8" x 1-7/16" and 6-1/2" center hole to center hole. It is also available in a package of one, 11 gauge steel construction with yellow zinc plating with dimensions 9-1/8" x 1-7/16" and 7-1/2" center hole to center hole. They are produced by Barn-Shed-Play and The Porch Swing Company has them on a Ship Fast Program so that you do not have to be without your glider any longer than it is necessary.