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The most beautiful swings are made of expensive red cedar or some other hardwood like beautiful golden teak porch swing. Cedar's lovely reddish color is true telltale of this luxurious, durable and beautiful wood. But, if you cannot afford swing made of cedar, and want to impress your neighbors with a luxurious swing in your yard, buy an inexpensive swing made of pine or a tropical hardwood and apply a nice gloss stain to it. Depending on the stain color, stained swings look exactly like the original cedar, mahogany, or aspen, for a fraction of the price. You will have to give your swing a fresh coat of stain occasionally, and it will not survive the weather as well as more expensive kind. But, you will still be able to enjoy it for years on your porch or in the garden, as long as you take good care of it. After giving your porch furniture swing a coat of stain, protect it with a coat of clear polyurethane, to extend its life. It is also a good idea to cover your stained swings during the winter to keep them safe from the rain and snow. You want to ensure your swing is ready for you when the snow finally melts.