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Double rocking chairs are double pleasure. Not only that you can rock your troubles away or soothe yourself to sleep, you can do it snuggled with a loved one. Double rocking chairs are perfect for reading a story to the grandkids, for sharing a first kiss, or just for gossiping with a neighbor. If your double rocking chair is going to be left out in the open, make sure to choose a durable, weatherproof material. Your best choices are Polywood, a recycled plastic, cedar, cypress or, if money is not an object, teak. Besides classic wooden double rocking chairs, there are double rockers made of resin wicker, aluminum or wrought iron. Some are more ornate, and others, such as Amish double rocking chairs, are usually very simple and sleek. For ultimate comfort, look for some padded cushions for the seat and a couple of small pillows for the neck.