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Your modern style and contemporarily designed house should not prevent you from enjoying a luxury of a swing bed. All you need is a modern swing bed – with a sleek, streamlined back, thin slats, with or without armrests, even with industrial pipes added to the design for an unique look. Modern swing beds are usually painted white or black, but you can choose the color that suits your house or your taste. Modern swing beds come in cedar, cypress kiln dried pine or recycled plastic. Your choice of material should be guided by the place where you plan on installing your modern swing bed – inside or outside. The more it is exposed to the elements, the better quality of material you need. While wood is beautiful and timeless, recycled plastic is indestructible and will last you a long time without changing color or developing splinters. The bigger porch you have, the bigger modern swing bed you should install. You can count on kids trying to snuggle with you when you are trying to read your book or having a nap in the afternoon. They come in crib, twin, full or queen size. Add a plush mattress and plenty of pillows and your modern swing bed will surely become your family’s favorite snuggle spot.