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If you like your porch swing to be beautiful, strong and durable and want an alternative to red cedar, look for cypress porch swings. Cypress is lovely light-colored wood with extremely tight rings, which make it very hardy and resistant to elements. You can leave your cypress swing in the garden through the winter with no worries. Many cypress porch swings are hand-made and are real pieces of art you will be proud to place on your porch for the world to see and for you to enjoy. Nobody will believe you that you paid a fraction of what will cost a cedar swing. Cypress is easy to stain or paint if you prefer darker color or some vivid color that works better with your house. But, if you leave it natural, all you need to keep in beautiful is a coat of water sealant like Thompson's at the beginning of season. You can get cypress porch swings in any size, from a one-seater to ample 6 feet long swings. Many styles are also available, but cypress looks the best in simple, classical lines. Our best selling Cypress swing is Ted's Rollback swing for it's comfortable rolled design.