All Rocking Chairs

Outdoor rockers are pieces of the traditional American picture: a house in a small town, with a porch overlooking the main street, and an old outdoor rocker on the porch. Many people dream of those slower, long gone times and choose classic, rustic outdoor rockers for their porches, patios or outdoor rooms. Made of teak, birch, cedar or pine, these classic beauties survived all the fashion changes and still offer wonderful moments of rest with their soothing, gentle rocking. But, the times do change, and outdoor rockers are now available in many other shapes, sizes, colors and materials. Even classic lines of traditional outdoor rockers are now made of recycled plastic, or are painted lemon green or raspberry red. Outdoor rockers are all easy to take care of, as they are made of materials which are durable enough to resist humidity, mold and sun. The resistance to the elements may come from the kind of wood or plastic they are made of, or from good, high quality paint. If you like to add a few cushions to your favorite rocker, make sure they are also resistant to weather.