3 Foot Gliders

People call gliders ‘outdoor sofas’. In that case, your 3 food gliders are your porch love seats. Gliders are a great addition to any outdoor space – they do not take as much space as rockers but offer comparable, if not greater comfort. Gliding motion is softer and smoother, particularly popular among older folks. It is easy to fall asleep in your glider, and a 3 foot glider will also allow you to stretch or snuggle with your loved one. Classic porch gliders are usually made of wood – cedar, cypress or treated pine – but the recycled lumber called polywood is quickly becoming a very popular option. Polywood looks like real wood, with colors, grains and even wood knots, but is much more durable and weather-resistant. It is made of recycled plastic, so besides getting a great piece of furniture, by choosing a polywood glider you are also protecting the environment from unwanted plastic. 3 foot gliders come in a range of colors –from elegant white and black to natural brown and vivid red and green.