What if my order arrived damaged or defective?

We would first like to apologize that your recent order arrived damaged/defective. We take great measures to ensure all products are shipped with the upmost care and sufficient packaging to arrive safely. We will work hard to remedy this issue as quickly as possible and to minimize your inconvenience. The quickest way for us to process a damage/defective claim is for you to upload 3-4 digital photos of the specified issue here. If photos are not available if you could provide a detailed description of the issue with any impacted parts or related defect. Your photos or description will be provided to our manufacturer to evaluate the claim and ensure a proper remedy is provided. Often times we can simply ship a single replacement part and won't have to ship a complete replacement product to remedy the issue. Please save all original packaging (box, manuals, hardware, packaging materials, etc.). If an entire replacement product is shipped, a call tag will be issued from the manufacturer to pick up the damaged product. You can view our outlined Shipping Policy at the links below if you have any other questions regarding the claim process.

Our Shipping Policy
In all cases of damaged, defective and incorrect shipments, we will gladly replace the product and the cost of shipping the item back to us for exchange. If you decide you do not want the correctly ordered product, parts or a replacement unit, your order can be returned under our Standard Return Policy.


Thanks for your assistance in dealing with this damage/defective request. Our manufacturers are very responsive in addressing these issues and typically ship a replacement product/parts within a few Business days. We will keep you updated throughout the process with any information along with tracking details of your replacement product/parts.